Davide Marini
I am interested in technologies at the interface between engineering, biology and computer science. I am naturally attracted to a rather large set of disciplines, including machine learning, astrophysics, optics, fly-fishing, renaissance painting and falconry. Most recently I served as cofounder and CEO at Firefly Bioworks, a company that introduced a novel technology for large scale fabrication of biologically active and individually encoded hydrogel microparticles. We launched our first product line in the area of microRNA. Firefly is now an Abcam company and I am at Inkbit.
I obtained my PhD in mechanical engineering from MIT, where I studied the self-assembly of de-novo designed peptides by molecular dynamics simulation and atomic force microscopy. I then worked at Children's Hospital Boston on nanomaterials for sensing and drug delivery applications. Before deciding to pursue my passion for biotechnology, I worked as a marketer of fixed-income derivatives at J.P. Morgan in London. I obtained an executive MBA from Collège des Ingénieurs (France) and a BS in industrial engineering from Politecnico of Milan (Italy).